“You’re so brave for starting your own business” … Am I?
“You’re so brave for starting your own business” I’ve heard that a few times and I always have a hard time accepting this compliment. It’s true that it was a scary decision to leave the “safety” of employment. Change is always uncomfortable. But to be honest, it didn’t feel like a brave thing to do. Just the only way forward. [...]
I rarely workout for more than 30-45 minutes. This is why!
I rarely workout for more than 30-45 minutes. This is why 👇 ✨ MOTIVATION It’s much easier to stick to shorter workouts in the long run. The idea of a 60 minute workout is much more taxing. I’m more likely to find excuses not to do it. ✨ CONSISTENCY Short workouts are easier to fit in a busy day. So [...]
How I finally beat Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination is going to bed later than you know you should because you feel like you haven’t enjoyed your free time enough. If you stay up even though you’re tired and even though you know you will pay a heavy price for it… that’s Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. I’m convinced we can’t feel great when we’re sleep deprived. [...]
Is doing yoga for 10-15 minutes really enough?
I get this question all the time. We think that if we don’t have the time to do a “real” session, what’s the point of doing anything? The point is: doing something is always better than doing nothing. ☝️ Because first: you WILL get results. Science says you only need to stretch a muscle for 1 minute, 5 times per [...]
I wish I learnt this sooner about stress…
When we feel overwhelmed, it's rarely because we do too much... But because we need more structure and we don't know how to prioritise. When we know what is urgent and important, we can ignore the rest. This is why it's important to take a step back sometimes, and reflect on what is truly important to us. Since I [...]
Stop feeling guilty for needing time in the morning!
I was talking to one of my clients recently who feels guilty because she needs a lot of time to wake up in the morning and face the world. Society wants us to be ready to go as soon as we get out of bed, but it’s just not how many of us work. I used to live with [...]