You probably won’t do crazy poses like this one right away. Maybe you don’t even want to, and unless you’d like to join the Cirque du Soleil, you certainly don’t need to.
But wouldn’t it be nice to have the freedom to play with your children or nephews/nieces without risking of injuring yourself?
To go for a long walk without your back or your knee killing you?
To grow old and stay healthy and able to move as long as possible?
To be able to focus on your work without this nagging pain in the upper back?
To learn exactly what your body needs to achieve all that?
That’s what I’m here for 🤗
Many of my students have pain (usually in the back) that they are scared to death of making worse.
So they did what they thought was best: they stopped moving so they wouldn’t aggravate the injury.
Any physiotherapist will tell you that it’s actually one of the worst things you can do.
Movement stimulates blood flow and promotes healing. But we don’t want to move rapidly, mindlessly… or in the same way that got us hurt in the first place.
The aim of my pain-free mobility programme is to learn to listen and understand the messages of the body, and do so from a safe space.
Because our bodies know what to do to heal, we’ve just forgotten how to listen.